

Hanna Balińska, born February 4 1943 in Warsaw is
Italian – Swiss – French – Polish.
From the mother, Irena baron de Jomini, family tree is located in Switzerland, in the museum of the great ancestor
General de Jomini in Payerne. From the father, Bolesław Baliński,
family tree is located in Poland, in Nieszawa
in the museum of Stanisław Noakowski.
She graduated from the Felician Sisters
Private High School in Wawer district Warsaw.
In the Theatre she made her debut soon after graduation.
She won the audition and played the role of young secretary
Łucja in "Pan Jan" alongside of Jan Kreczmar
on Kameralna stage in Teatr Polski in Warsaw.
She graduated from the Warsaw Theatre Academy in 1966.
She has performed in Jaracz`s Theatre in Olsztyn,
in Dramatic Theatre in Szczecin, Teatr Polski in Warsaw
and Syrena Theatre in Warsaw.
In 1990 she resigned from the actress profession.